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STBMWC (Soon To Be Marri



Personality analysis

Marriage Vows. Floating candles. Lots and lots of plane ticket research, mostly Southwesterly. Then, Disney and other kids related things.

Eight-Oh-Eight-Fifty-Eight-Fifty-Nine seems to be embarking on a honeymoon while planning ahead for the marriage beyond the honeymoon. Fairly stable for an AOL psycho.

Something rather touching about the floating candles. But why would anyone search for them on the web? Does the guy actually think you have to buy special candles to have floating candles for that romantic touch in the Scottsdale Hilton or wherever it is he's jetting his sweetie to in the Southwest? Memo to 8085859: Buy the cheap-ass votive candles at the corner grocer and put them on coasters, or ashtrays, if they aren't those heavy stone or glass ashtrays. They'll float. And will cost virtually nothing, while not at all diminishing the effect.