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To whomever associated with AOL that is monitoring our system, number one, the inquiries regarding the hit and runs are relative to a friends daughter that was a victim of a hit and run in Texas.

The most important issue is that your monitoring of our use of the internet is considered to be a violation of our privacy and it is hereby requested that you cease and desist as of this date 8/30/06.

A class action against this violator of privacy shall be inminent if it does not stop immediately.
Why do we have to be victims of AOLPSYCH?
Everybody should be consulting with their lawyers.


AOL published these search results. This data has been made public by AOL and AOL has given permission for anyone to use it for non-commerical research purposes of any sort. AOL claims that this is in keeping with their privacy policy. AOLpsycho, AOLsearchlogs and other sites which mirror this data are in keeping with the copyright law. If you disagree with this you should contact AOL and your congressman. If you wish to sue someone, sue AOL.