staghorn coral


The Staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis) is a branching coral with cylinrical branches ranging from a few centimeters to over two meters in length and height. It occurs in back reef and fore reef environments from 0 to 30 m depth. The upper limit is defined by wave forces, and the lower limit is controlled by suspended sediments and light availability. Fore reef zones at intermediate depths (5-25 m) were formerly dominated by extensive single species stands of staghorn coral until the mid 1980s. This coral exhibits the fastest growth of all known western Atlantic corals, with branches increasing in length by 10-20 cm per year. This has been one of the three most important Caribbean corals in terms of its contribution to reef growth and fishery habitat.

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  • Image from: /images/data/IMAGE/photo/000/012/12377-1.JPG
  • Hybrid Acropora prolifera more resistant to disease and temperature fluctuations.