goffin cockatoo


The Goffin's Cockatoo, Cacatua goffiniana, also known as Tanimbar Cockatoo, is a species of cockatoo enemic to forests of the Banda Sea islands in Indonesia. They weigh, on average, about 250 grams for females and 300 grams for males. They are about 31 centimeters -12" from head to tail. The Goffin's Cockatoos are the smallest of all the cockatoos. It is a white cockatoo with some salmon or pink face feathers, and a pale grey beak. Both sexes are similar.

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Tweets about goffin cockatoo

  • "@BrendaDellGomez: cheeto, our Goffin Cockatoo just me&U
  • REWARD OFFERED - Lost Parrot - Baby Goffin Cockatoo. She is White with Salmon colored feathers in cheeks and hea...
  • RT @BrendaDellGomez: Painting of Goffin Cockatoo
  • Take one Goffin Cockatoo. Add a one~cup plastic measuring cup. Stand back & watch the love~fest commence.